Online Writing

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A history Told by Pirates - ‘Tattooed New York’ at the nyhs

One of the many small pieces that I have worked on about the history of tattooing, this article covers a museum exhibition focused on New York City as the birthplace of modern tattooing. From


A classical playlist for a thrilling super bowl party

Let’s be honest, most people don’t go to Super Bowl parties to watch the game. For WQXR, I compiled a classical playlist that was perfect for setting a civilized setting in which to enjoy a most uncivilized game. From


Dropping Kane, Otamendi and de Gea is an FPl risk worth taking

This is a very nerdy, very in depth look into fantasy Premier League football. The main focus of this article was to help players looking to make up a gap in points towards the end of the season, it’s all about making bold moves. From Fantasy Football Hub.